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/ / Tuesday, February 1, 2011
/ / MAYDAY! MAYDAY! / / NETWORKING MEETING FOR MAYDAY-PARADE 2011 IN VIENNA / / Time: 18 clock (pünktlich!) networking meetings,
/ / 21 Clock MayDay best of: Short films/ / Location: precarious café, W23: Wipplingerstraße 23, 1010 Vienna
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? Precarious work, precarious life?
! No Borders, No Precarity!
seems to continue relentlessly the precarious working and living conditions - but also the struggles for the right to social rights become more and more movement. Therefore, it is on (or about) 1 May 2011 the fifth-MayDay Parade given in Vienna to serve as Verstärkerin these struggles and advance their networks.
We do again this year by loud, colorful and creative forms of struggle and organization, as well as diverse and aggressive forms of action - even authorized to speak and act - beyond the usual representation spectacle. So shall present various aspects of precarity be seen and heard, not to blur the differences very well but in order to overcome the prevailing state of fragmentation and isolation and to provide a basis for collective political action. All this not in competition with the traditional May Day, but as a supplement for those of us who are of the traditional institutions of the workers' movement # no (longer) be organized (may).
Undocumented, seasonal and temporary workers, apparent and so
-called "new self-employed, low wages jobber who purchase the unemployed and professionals *, project, part-time or temporary workers, and all their intermediate and mixed forms have one thing in common: to live all of you and work more or less precarious. While supermarket employee muddle with low wages toils and the student, as long as it does not come from a so-called third-country, at least by small jobs and unpaid internships, "" may, plants care and cultural services while brilliantly but often sozialversicherungslos. The acquisition of unemployed just as the people living below the poverty level recipient of the new "minimum security", restricted by the constant threats of disciplinary action framework. The professional knowledge worker is also of longer-term prospects, "free", while the paper-free and thus fully disenfranchised Sexarbeiter_in attempts to regulate their lives. And is precarious as a process that encompasses not only the working conditions, turns "MAYDAY!" also to all those who are homeless and still have to pay for their overnight shelters and to all those who want to live in trailer camps, but should be settled by the urban housing policy, to all those houses and must occupy apartments because others live in palaces. But we want social security for a life that is flexible, but without the heteronomous constraint can be designed for flexibility - and we want more!
and many other reasons why we scream "MAYDAY!" The alarm signal from distressed vessels, we did not therefore merely a "battle cry" chosen to emphasize this condition increases arming. "MAYDAY!" will also be the slogan of our struggle tags. We are on the verge to link up our precarious battles! Be there!
? Precarious work, precarious life?
! Precarious battles Precarious dance!
# # # # LINKS
(archive MayDay Vienna)
# #
(€? Mondo! ! MayDay-network) # #
https: / / lists.liab.at / listinfo / mayday
(MayDay mailing list Wien)
# #
http://www.youtube.com/user / PrekaerCafe # p / p (MayDay TV)
/ / / / precarious café
/ / place every first Tuesday of every month in the precarious W23 café. The cafe is open from 18 clock, Start of the event is 20 clock. The precarious café is the result of the Vienna € mayday movement and focused on addressing the precarious working and living conditions. The precarious café will be next and events space for collaborative creativity and theoretical re-invention, social organization and archeology, as well as room for overlap and multiplicities of open and closed relationships. The precarious café will take place on the premises W23: Wipplingerstraße 23, 1010 Vienna (either from the Wipplingerstrasse the steps in the half-floor or down from the "deep trench" near the bridge up the stairs).
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/ / Web:
/ / Email: Precarious / / ät / / lnxnt / / dot / / org
/ / Newsletter:
https: / / lists.lnxnt.org / mailman / listinfo / precarious
/ / Facebook:
/ / Youtube: http: / / www.youtube.com / prekaercafe
/ / Twitter:
http://twitter.com/prekaer / /
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