Sunday, October 3, 2010

Herpes Inside My Nose?


... in September / October 2010 ° ^ ° ^ ° ^ ° ^ ° ^ ° ^ ° ^ ° ^ as "extreme right-wing front organization" classified "Kärntner Abwehrkämpferbund" (KAB). The public memory in Carinthia is where the memory of the defensive struggle, makes a wide berth to the National Socialism and is once again at the myth of the "Kärntner Titopartisanen abducted" by the one. The defensive struggle acts as a code, which, in reality, the Nazis, or at least its beginnings can be made positive reference.
not the only relevant organizations will participate in the celebrations, officially announced the Chancellor and President of the seminar. We will protest against it! information meeting for protest days around the 10th of October in Carinthia

° ^ ° ^ be. But the uncertainties in the government bill were so severe that in response to criticism from NGOs and opposition to the decision of the law has been postponed until the autumn. The evening will serve to discuss the bill in detail and assess impacts of the law on political activism.

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Different theories of "biological gender" are presented (past and present). It is clear that not only arguments of difference, but also the equality of two sexes in these, and are prominently represented. Current bio-medical gender theories come increasingly to the conclusion that individual characteristics considered in a gender - and compared different people: many forms - forms. Sun now be biologically feasible many generations, rather than just two or three.
book presentation and discussion with the author Heinz-Jürgen Voss

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migration management: an anti-racist paradigm shift? "Austria is a country of immigrants!" Excited this slogan until recently widespread political opposition, so have now changed the old positions. Across the political spectrum is now the "need" controlled immigration for demographic and economic growth of the country was declared. But what rationalities and interests behind these new migration policies? We want a critical look at racism in political projects such as' Red-White-Red Card ", integration models and diversity policy throw and finally pose the question of what anti-racist, emancipatory strategies, the new policies of migration management can be opposed. ° ^ ° ^ Texts, announcements, etc., of course. But there's more? What about Twitter /, facebook / Diaspora and other social media projects? What is the value of information? They are suitable for the articulation of content and positions or run them into space? How elitist social media platforms? Make it a risk or a chance to other / bigger range is? The que [e] r invited to a joint discussion board on the effectiveness, risks and side effects of social media! There will be projectors, Rechner_in and the Internet - we can then look at some examples An event of the festival Still loving activism. ° ^ ° ^

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cautionary note

Items such as computers, hard drives, workshop materials, and the safe therein, including the hand cash and documents were taken away, and caused further damage. The club was not informed of the collapse of the executive. To about 18.00 clock there was a user of open space in front of the premises by the fire department closed. Only in the course of the evening was the injury will be assessed.

official reason for the search warrant, according to State Office for State Protection and Counter Terrorism (LVT) the suspicion that the club-house preparation, storage, and starting one against the Public Employment Service and its exploitative policies directed symbolic action was would be. Obvious reason seems to be only the proximity of the club premises.

Why the kaleidoscope? What are free spaces?
Self-Governing Local and projects, see themselves as open space to try to create space for a self-determined and reflected in everyday life. Non-commercial "do it yourself" - culture is very much needed in a consumerist society. Whether it is to tinker with bicycles or clothes, to cook or to discuss in a relaxed atmosphere. Of political information evenings, workshops, or by free-politics to parties and shared dwellings to face the trials of a non-hierarchical, supportive interaction is so complex as there are projects and people who receive them. Some refer to themselves because of their objectives as "radical left", but "autonomous", "alternative", "countercultural" and / or "anarchist", others as "emancipatory clubs. Together is the rejection of oppression, such bsw sexism, racism, homophobia, antisemitism, transphobia and the capitalist logic, and the resulting attempt to break up role models and structures. Open spaces provide opportunities to get involved politically, socially and culturally - away of parties and institutions. Because not submit to freedom of so many abstract regulation of the state in terms of behavior, events and political opinion, this structure reacts with surveillance and criminalization. So out self-managed premises - as is generally the people and structures that do not meet the standard categories - easily targeted by the regulatory authorities. Our desire for a society free of oppression is apparently so "dangerous" that specious reasons are used to violently invade open spaces and to sabotage the diversion of needed materials. The need of the majority to Standardization, conformity and obedience, is so large that its open spaces are an eyesore. Every day people are the majority of these different face harassment, control and oppression. repression - a blow to all!

Targeted suppression mechanisms, such as behavior modification bsw laws, social norms, monitoring and restricting liberty measures against specific groups - that is repression. Anything that does not meet the prevailing structures is simply presented as "extremist". Any criticism of the society, every alternative lifestyle and publicizing any of maladministration thereby gets under suspicion. The objectives and motivations that are behind it are not considered here. As a means of repression are particularly paragraphs organization (§ § 278ff et al.), Which generally represent only a Ermittlungslegitimierung. The applicability of this section is flexible, virtually all can be criminalized and freedom of expression is restricted in the name of law dramatically. It's just a matter of time before the next club, the next space, the next project before broken doors or sit as the next person in custody. Soon it will no longer matter whether these as "radical left", "emancipation", "alternative", "Social" or define "culturally relative".
We are in solidarity. With the kaleidoscope and all other affected areas of repression and people! We use active stand against oppression and about our ideas and projects, and invite to join. We draw attention to the structural violence and deprivation experiments with which we are confronted regularly.
against cooperating with repressive authorities. Refusal to testify against the police!
We demand the release of the detained four people and setting the method 278a which is run since March 2010 against thirteen animal rights and animal welfare activists!

for a society free of cages and prisons! For free, self-designed rooms!
Autonome Antifa [w]

based animal rights group

library from below http:/ /
the que [e] r seriously Kirch weger house ~ EKH

grundrisse.zeitschrift theory for left and debate

idea: direct action

IG Visual Arts
IG Culture Austria IG Kultur Wien

Infoladen quicksand

KuKuMA - Network for Art, Culture Media & alternatives Cultural Association Social Forum Freiwerk

Lastenradkollektiv LISA - Libertarian social work initiative Ender

Lolligo Kids Cafe

precarious café
Tavern - Kostnixladen theory and coffee & Office tech: babbel
http:// Vienna Bike Kitchen


Wagenplatz fuel

WAY - Value Critical emancipatory counter-movement: Kostnixladen Zentagasse


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