Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Brown Watery Period 2 Days Early

winter on the Danube

cold wars in the last week we're looking crisp. Every day between -5 and -10 degrees and usually very strong west wind. Not exactly cuddly ..... on the Danube
But today I could not help the urge to fish was just too great, so I gave this to .... The report
I will keep it as short as the fish-itself.
It was freezing cold, although had only -3 C ° eH. The wind was extremely strong, I could hardly move on the wet / icy stone bed of the Danube. The fingers were soon to feel any more.
But then salvation in the form of a false attack on my glider in "Perch." I was wide awake again, the water came to me so far remained quite empty fish.
quick on the Red / White "Drunk" change that brought in many recent bites and you had the rod bent. The fish pulls a few feet of the braided brake and fastchlossene ............ slits from ......

When I check the bait realize I was probably hooked in relatively shallow water, a nice catfish in the back. The bait was covered with mucus ...

Stunned, I made a few throws with the same bait, and caught a small Schiad ..... hardly a consolation

I hope the catfish, before New Year's hook and land a regular can.


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why Are My Games Widescreen On My Ps3

time it will ....

to post again. In the last month I was almost not at all due to illness for fishing. When you make was I tried my luck of course Pike & Zander.
latter are incidentally swallowed by the earth and so it was no pre-Christmas sting Knights to come ashore to be persuaded.

The pike was actually pretty good there in numbers, but again was at about 70cm-circuit. Although moderately, but then not the desired big game ....
colleague Bernhard could also register with the Esox logbook.

Long story short, it Währe me or more often been the tail swing, maybe had one or two larger Esox be in there can. If ....... could ........ :-) ** s on it geschi

Aja, a "Winterschiad" could also be convinced.

TL `s
