cold wars in the last week we're looking crisp. Every day between -5 and -10 degrees and usually very strong west wind. Not exactly cuddly ..... on the Danube
I will keep it as short as the fish-itself.
It was freezing cold, although had only -3 C ° eH. The wind was extremely strong, I could hardly move on the wet / icy stone bed of the Danube. The fingers were soon to feel any more.
quick on the Red / White "Drunk" change that brought in many recent bites and you had the rod bent. The fish pulls a few feet of the braided brake and fastchlossene ............ slits from ......
When I check the bait realize I was probably hooked in relatively shallow water, a nice catfish in the back. The bait was covered with mucus ...
Stunned, I made a few throws with the same bait, and caught a small Schiad ..... hardly a consolation
I hope the catfish, before New Year's hook and land a regular can.