spot one, the Tisza in Hungary were bribed Tiszafüred with stunning photos, but down a few ideas but shelved because Tobi took a very compe contact in Croatia, more precisely in Koprivnica on land.
On 08.31.2009 we went. After 5 hours of driving we came to Slovenia and Hungary (since our navigation system is a bit older vintages, we had to walk a few extra miles) after finally Koprivnica where we were expecting when we arrived even from our volunteer guide Hrvoje. Hrvoje as we had never seen (only a few emails) was our expectations too high which, however, according to the latest 5 minutes is entire misconception turned out. We prefer Hrvoje well be that some plastic bags Fischer (which are at our house water, unfortunately the same strength as the bug after a flood) but a member of the Croatian National Team Trout and passionate as we catch and release. Also showed that in recent days and led not idle, and after two cold beers to our first Nächtigungsplatz.
Autoput Jezero, known for its excellent stock of large carp presented itself very demanding - two thirds of the water surface and water lilies, lush with cabbage fields were overgrown.
Equipped with Monstercrab and Plum Shellfish Boillies we laid out the switches. We did not mislead in two fishing days only two carp to bite, which we unfortunately could not land because the bites occurred, unfortunately, Tobis under-sized device.
BUT we were able to successfully ensure our target fish, adjust the black sea bass, with weightless Slugg widegape the hook as the only means no out, braiding to the almost impenetrable jungle of weed.
Chrisi and Tobi could ever pull a nice guy on land and the release was held with the new underwater camera.
Jezero Soderica beside the Drava (Drau), definitely one of the most challenging waters we fished during our trip. Again, a lot of weed in the water and the feeding grounds of the carp were, unfortunately, was beyond any throw ... :-( Not even with the dirtiest corn we have ever had smelled it, the respective Gelbn & Amur, which abwachsen the lake Soderica to absolute capital size, attracting close to shore.
We spent 2 nights on the water, we Last night the carp turned their backs and 6 rods on Köfi interpreted.
The result, I would say, of a manageable scale, consisted of a small brown bullhead
and almost as little "real" Waller.
In contrast, started in the front turn signals quite strong. A total of 8 pikes are caught.
The size of the fish can not choose the way in Croatia ...
The river Drava was probably the wildest waters that we fished during our trip. We had to because of the enormous pressure and flow of highly turbid water in the huge flood zones retreat along the main river. There we found not only beautiful spots, but, again, a strong young pike! ^ ^